Sentinel Partners

Sentinel Partners are data and systems integration specialists.

As a Microsoft Partner they are part of the native Azure Data Service Stack.

All of their products can integrate with Azure Services. Using the Sentinel Data Platform you can access all of Microsoft Azure’s features intuitively, easily and quickly.

The platform provides a single access point taking away the demands of directly building and managing Synapse, Data Lakes, permissions and access. The Sentinel Data Platform is a native, integrated and fully streamlined Azure service which allows you to get the most out of its technology.

Azure for Government

Sentinel have utilized their data platform to provide digital government solutions for numerous public sector organizations, including local councils for Portsmouth, Liverpool and Bromley.

Working as Portsmouth City Council’s trusted data partner, they began by implementing the Sentinel Data Platform, and providing a bespoke version of the Vulnerable Pupil Portal solution (Portsmouth’s Vulnerable Pupil Tracker) to help identify at risk children and prevent involvement in county lines and gang exploitation.

These were followed by a Family Support Planning solution, to support Portsmouth’s processes around case work and support provision for families— the solution included single view of child, cohort specific dashboards, scoring rules, and RAG ratings.

Azure Migration

Sentinel enable organisations to seamlessly migrate their data to Azure’s Cloud Services. Their cloud migration service provides a proven, experienced and dependable migration. Sentinel is a Microsoft Partner with more than ten years of data migration experience.

Not only can they transfer your data, but we can also increase its quality at the same time with their cleansing and integration service – enabling you to begin using Azure with your data in optimised condition.

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