Webinars | Azure Best Practices

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UK Announces Plan for Mobile Wallets and Digital Driving Licences

A Gov.uk mobile wallet and app will be introduced this year to streamline access to digital government services.

Thought Leadership Insights

Decentralized Identity for Digital Government

Digital Identity is a keystone foundation for delivering online government services, and driven by 'Web 3.0' is becoming decentralized and stored in digital wallets.

Governments across the world are taking different approaches to harness this trend. In the USA a number of agencies are working with big tech like Google and Apple, and in Europe the EU is developing a standards framework for building an open ecosystem.

In this webinar we'll explore both dimensions and objectives:

Speakers Lineup

Meet Our Keynote Speakers

Our agenda is delivered by a diverse spectrum of experts, covering the different facets that make up this complex topic.

David Allen

CEO & Founder

David Allen

CEO & Founder

David Allen

CEO & Founder

David Allen

CEO & Founder

David Allen

CEO & Founder

David Allen

CEO & Founder

Solution Guide

The Solution Guide details adoption best practices, and implementation services from partners.

Transformation Best Practices

Analysis of real-world adoption projects, distilling the case study into a repeatable reference model blueprint, documenting the business case, deliverables and change management strategy.

Architecture and Technology

Detailing the Target Architecture and technology platform design required to implement the transformation, with a framework, standards and project plan for integrating with the current estate.

Vendor Showcase

Presentations from consulting and technology solution providers, and the services they offer to implement these best practices.

Download Solution Guide and browse Partner Services.

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